Saturday, November 17, 2007


Here's the sauce. I followed it but without the flour (used ground beef instead), fennel, cayenne (couldn't find them), and green pepper (didn't want to spend the money). I also wasn't paying attention to my measuring spoons and measure out everything relative to a 2 tbsp scoop, thinking it was a 1 tbsp scoop. So all the spices are right in proportion to each other, but it's actually double what the recipe called for. Still turned out delicious.

The picture is before I dressed it up. I was hungry. Typical additions: cheese, sour cream, Frank's, cornbread. I could eat this all night.

Chicken Pot Pie. Sort of.

Um. Iw as trying this recipe and did all sorts of weird stuff. Long story short, it turned out pretty runny and tasteless. Probably will not try it again for a long time. The biscuits, on the other hand, were awesome.

What? I like pepper.