Saturday, April 11, 2009

Red Bananas and Orange Guava Juice.

I bought these red bananas on a whim. They're supposed to have a hint of raspberry. I had a lengthy discussion about them with a friend before actually having one, but the conversation would have been enough. The raspberry taste is just tartness in the beginning which subsides as quickly as the novelty of having a red banana. They're almost double the price per pound of regular bananas so unless I have a real reason for having red-skinned (looks disappointingly normal on the inside) bananas, I won't buy them again.

This, on the other hand, is the best juice ever. I've been a Pineapple-Orange-Banana man for quite some time, but this is newcomer may have converted me. To quote succinctly: "...a breeze rolled in, and I jizzed in my pants." Again.

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