Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rogue Santa's Private Reserve Ale.

I've never been a huge fan of red ales. It's not that I don't like them, but if I had to pick a single style to drink for the rest of my life, it wouldn't be it. I enjoy Killian's every now and then (cheap beer with Taco Tuesdays), but I don't think I've ever gone out and bought it.

Naturally, I'm a sucker for Rogue, even though their beers seem to be rather hit or miss, so I picked up their winter seasonal. Super deep red color, nice, thick head. Mildly bitter, but it didn't make sense to me without a balancing sweetness. Fairly unassuming, it'd make a good session beer, even at 6%ABV. Pretty light bodied. I didn't pick up the floral in the same strength as other people. A lot of people on BA are very enthusiastic about it and commented on the hops being strong but not overwhelming. Perhaps I'm just too hopped up to appreciate it at the same level.

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