Monday, March 21, 2011

Green Flash West Coast IPA.

I've had Green Flash on tap a few times and really enjoyed it, so I figured I'd pick up a bottle to try more seriously. Pour is an orange copper. Some sediment. Rich, fluffy head, achieves some nice lacing. Rated at 7.3%ABV so a little higher than a standard IPA but not quite imperial in my book. 95 IBU which is great. Lots of hop biter, citrus, strong lingering finish that's not overly bitter. Clean on the palate. Classic west coast-style IPA. Mouthfeel is light-medium, lower viscosity than other IPAs that try to bring this much alcohol to the table. Overall, drinkability is quite good, can easily see it going with spicy Indian food or some strong cheese, as well as sitting around on its own. Potentially a dangerous beer. I dig enough that I would put it into my regular rotation.

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