Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blackstone Nut Brown.

The best brown ale ever.

I also had a flight of their regular, on-tap beer, brewed in-house. I found most somewhat unremarkable, but I did like the Red Springs ale which is an English Bitter. English Bitters kind of remind me of IPAs but not as floral and with the body of a pilsner. I also had one of their seasonals, the Maris Otter, which, by their analogy, is a varietal wine of beers. I assume they mean it uses a single type of barley. I was rather undecided on whether or not I liked it at the time and still am so. I was reminded of Matilda's evocation of a dwindling campfire. This was more like the exhale of a cigarette, though whether that cigarette was cheap or not, I couldn't tell. If I had had a pint at the beginning of the night instead of the end, I might have had a finer palate.

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