Monday, June 28, 2010

IPA Showdown: Stone vs. Goose Island, Round 1.

I've been having a bit of a stare-down with one of my colleagues about who has the superior IPA: Stone or Goose Island. So, to prove it to myself, I picked up a sixer of Stone to compare against my stockpile of Goose Island. Round one, tasted Stone first.

Stone: Sweet nose, less floral, full mouthfeel, more carbing

Goose Island: Strong hop bouquet, sweeter, milder on the palate, smoother mouthfeel.

Decision: I do have to say the Stone IPA is pretty good. I do wonder if I've even had it before actually since, during my IPA journey, I leaned towards the IBU behemoths, so I might have skipped over Stone's regular IPA entirely and went straight to Ruination (which is great, by the way). All in all, I do see that Stone IPA has its merits, but my pride thinks that my palette was too heavily blown out to properly appreciate Goose Island on the next taste.

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