Monday, March 14, 2011

Harpoon Belgian Pale Ale.

Hadn't seen this one around in stores but I got to try it at the brewery tour. I tasted a few others that aren't readily available to me, but I stuck with this one for most of the tasting period and picked up a growler to go. I didn't get the matching BPA glass (this time [(but got two others instead]) because I thought the lettering was too retro-looking and wasn't terribly unique.

Pours a clear, vibrant amber.A little flat coming out of the growler, but I know that the head and retention is good. Slightly maltier than a pale ale, on par with hoppiness for an IPA. Nice spice twist with the Belgian yeast. Pleasant, resiny pine aroma. Crisp hop bitter, tones of wet grass in high heat. Medium body, good carb, clean finish. Solid enough to be enjoyed, light enough to have a few and not feel too heavy. A very classic BPA. Compared to Flying Dog's BIPA, it's a little less spicy. Tough call between the two.

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