Friday, January 13, 2012

Cilantro Pesto.

I haven't really made anything new/good/interesting in quite some time for various reasons, but I did have some cilantro to use up recently, which reminded me of the cilantro pesto I used to buy last summer. The pesto was excellent with the spinach bolani, sharp and tart.

I found Elise actually had a recipe for cilantro pesto, though it wasn't built as a tangy dip. I suppose what I really wanted was a mix between her cilantro pesto and chimichurri. I mostly followed the pesto recipe but used less oil, a little too much walnut, and added some lemon juice. I don't think I had enough cilantro, to be honest, even though I still had most of a bunch left to use for it. The result was a little fluffy from too much walnut and the taste mild but it was recognizable.

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