Saturday, May 26, 2012

G. Schneider and Sohn Anventinus Wheat Doppelbock.

First beer review for this summer, but I'll keep it casual. I remember getting pretty burnt out last summer being as strict as I was with my beer purchasing. Granted, I did get through a whole lot of new beers, but this summer, that means I can take it pretty easy and revisit my favorites.

This bottle, however, is from a little gift from the GF to help me get settled in. I also used it as an excuse to pick up a new beer glass. It has a nice malty, dark fruit aroma, something like figs or dates. The actual flavor and body are less doppelbock-like and takes more after the wheat. It's also pretty carbed, not sure why that is. I also feel like there are some tannins because my mouth suddenly feels rather dry, but I also just ate a GD salad for a snack.

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