Sunday, August 31, 2008

Brother Thelonious.

I had this sort of on a whim (but also on a hankering for a Belgian-style ale) at a restaurant in B-N, IL because it came in a goblet (which was actually just a wine glass). And it was one of the best beers I've ever had.

It has a warm, comforting scent that, oddly, made me think of cinnamon and sweet potatoes. And the color is an absolutely beautiful rusty amber. Even served cold, the body and density makes you feel rather warm inside. I only say warm because it's a hard call between "warm" and "satisfied". The taste is full-bodied and velvety; the mouthfeel is perfect. Fat Tire will never cut it ever again.

I also saw a 4-pack of Young's Double Chocolate Stout cans. They were purple and orange, I think. Fuck. That. Shit.

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