Sunday, August 31, 2008

Celebrator Doppelbock.

I was at Whole Foods again today to have closer look at their beers and wines. I did find a few different vintners of petite sirah, including that damn Bogle. I did pick up another bottle for later but my camera has finally run out of juice so it won't be until I'm back home. Anyway, the beer. There wasn't as much as I had previously thought. A lot of what they carried was smaller breweries, mostly regional and/or organics. Not interested. They do carry a lot of Dogfish which I'm holding out on trying until I see Medici's beer list again. They also sold a 120-minute IPA for $7. Per bottle. I'm not quite there yet. I was kind of up in the air about what to get until I saw Fin Du Monde and recognized the name. Unfortunately, they were out. Celebrator was right next to it.

This is a wonderfully rich and nutty beer. There's a memory that this (along with some Belgian-style ales) kind of taste evokes. I can never quite put my finger on it, but it gives me the feeling of a hearth. I'm not sure what else to say other than that this is easily in my top 5. I would love to have this with something hot and hearty with brown bread.

It also comes with a sweet charm around the neck of each bottle.

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