Sunday, September 6, 2009


I've had a variety of beers recently that I feel like I should make some note of. I drink a lot of new beers at bars and such which has two consequences. They don't get logged here, and if I wasn't impressed, then I won't go buy bottles (assuming I can find them). So here are 46 beers that I've had out and about but never purchased at the store for one reason or another.

  1. Great Divide Titan Brewing Co. IPA - This was either bland or 1-D, don't remember which or maybe both.
  2. Middle Ages English Brown Ale - Weak.
  3. Middle Ages Dragonslayer Imperial Stout - Lighter in the mouth than I expected, it shows itself only on the back end with strong overtones of chocolate and pipe tobacco. Not bad at all, though I didn't necessarily care for the mouthfeel.
  4. Sweetwater 420 Pale Ale - I don't know if it's because I'm so accustomed to IPA that pales taste dead to me or what, but this didn' live up to the hype.
  5. Abita Amber - Plain old amber.
  6. Abita Wheat - Bready but too lager-y.
  7. Abita Turbodog - Nice and dark, I see why it's their most popular, but not for me.
  8. Victory Wild Devil - Hop Devil brewed with wild Belgian yeast. Had a strange nose and a strange taste, the combination of which I didn't really like.
  9. Victory Hop Devil - A solid, hoppy beer, similar to Hoptical Illusion but with a better nose though it retains a pretty flat character.
  10. Victory Hop Wallop - To me, it seems like an imperial-ized version of Hop Devil and even hoppier.
  11. Rogue Shakespeare Stout - Slightly heavier than Guinness Draft, only confirms that regular strength stouts are not my thing anymore.
  12. Rohrbach's Stock Ale - Pretty good, hoppy brew, better balanced than Hop Devil or Hoptical Illusion but still nowhere near a Goose Island.
  13. Rohrbach's Vanilla Porter - Similar to Atwater Block's Vanilla Java Porter but does a much better job on bringing out the vanilla.
  14. Rohrbach's Bluebeary - I pretty consistently like blueberry-based beers.
  15. Unibroue Blanche de Chambly - Meh.
  16. Unibroue Ephemere - Cool, crisp apple taste. I like it.
  17. Unibroue Chambly Noir - Meh.
  18. Great Lakes Brewing Co. Blackout Stout - Meh Imperial.
  19. Great Lakes Brewing Co. Dortmunder Gold Lager - I remember liking it for a lager.
  20. Southern Tier Phin & Matt's - Unremarkable.
  21. Southern Tier Hop Sun - Unremarkable.
  22. Southern Tier Raspberry Wheat - Characteristically bad.
  23. Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Ale - Tastes like pumpkin pie very clearly and cleanly. I'd buy it.
  24. Southern Tier Iniquity Imperial Black Ale - I remember not liking it that much because it just tasted too concentrated.
  25. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout - FUCKING AWESOME.
  26. Liefmann's Kriek Cuvee - Very interesting taste, sour and sweet, tastes like the color red. I'd buy it to get another taste at it.
  27. Ommegang Obamagang - I don't remember anything outstanding about this one.
  28. Anchor Steam Beer - Expected more from the hype.
  29. Anchor Steam Porter - Porter.
  30. Lake Placid IPA - A pretty decent IPA. It might have been a good sub for Goose Island but now that Goose Island is distributing up here...
  31. Pink Peppercorn IPA - I didn't really get the pink peppercorns.
  32. Blue Point Hoptical Illusion - The only IPA available at some of the bars. Strong and 1-D, it does it in a pinch, not that there's that many other choices ta those times anyway.
  33. Boulder Mojo IPA - Don't remember, so maybe unremarkable.
  34. Highland Kashmir IPA - Don't remember, so maybe unremarkable.
  35. Blackstone Brewery Maris Otter - Reminiscent of Matilda, but more like cigarettes and not as good.
  36. Blackstone Brewery Chaser Pale - Don't care for Kolsch that much.
  37. Blackstone Brewery Maibock - Bock does not compare to doppelbock.
  38. Blackstone Brewery Red Springs Ale - American-style amber spun off of Bitter-style. Pretty good.
  39. Blackstone Brewery American Pale Ale - Meh.
  40. Blackstone Brewery St. Charles Porter - Nut Brown is superior.
  41. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - Sierra Nevada isn't that great.
  42. Magic Hat #9 - Barf.
  43. Dundee varieties - Microbrewery version of macros?
  44. CB Cream Porter - Surprisingly bad for CB, but I also don't much care for porter.
  45. Kirin Ichiban - My favorite Japanese beer and quite good and light, goes well with sushi. It's surprising I haven't bought it but there are always other more pressing beers to try.
  46. Sapporo - Do not want.

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