Monday, September 28, 2009

GuS Extra Dry Ginger Ale and Tuscan Melon.

I actually bought this soda thinking it was ginger beer and not ginger ale. I didn't read the label very closely. GuS is Grownup Soda, marketing their less-sweet taste. I like it, but I was a little disappointed with how little ginger bite there was. I'll probably just stick with Canada Dry, maybe a diet version.

The melon was decidedly less amusing than the one that said "I am DELICIOUS," but it was still pretty good. I had intended to buy a cantaloupe, but this looked like a cantaloupe and was the same price so I got it. I actually let it get a little overripe on accident, making it taste sweeter than normal, I think, unless that's its normal flavor. And unless that's its normal flavor, I couldn't discern any difference from a standard cantaloupe other than the different rind.

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