Monday, April 4, 2011

21st Amendment Back in Black IPA.

Black, opaque pour; fluffy, creamy head, a little rougher around the edges than Guinness Draught. Roasted coffee in the nose but very mild. A little bit of hazelnut, wood, but overall not very aromatic. Fine carbonation throughout, mild weight, a little heavier than Guinness Draught. Taste is a cross between a nitro stout and a nut brown ale. It's a decent beer that I find more drinkable than Guinness Draught and more flavorful than most nut brown ale but not really worth the money. Not terribly hoppy in the grassy, floral or in any sense of the word. A touch of bitterness on the end but it's heavily dominated by roasted notes. It's nice that it comes in a can so it'd be a good outing beer. And there's all that "black IPA" bullshit though Cascadian is the new proper designation.

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