Thursday, June 23, 2011

Grand Teton Sweetgrass American Pale Ale.

Finally took a look at the beer section at the Whole Foods here. While not as impressive as the one in Chicago, the emphasis on regional beers is nice. I'll have to direct myself to get beers that don't have distribution back home. This beer won gold at 2009 GABF.

Pours a nice dark copper color, head is a thin and smooth cap with nice consistency. Smell immediately gives a nice floral, taste is floral, sweet, almost fruity. A very vibrant pale ale that smacks of an IPA soul. So is it bad at being a pale and not quite an IPA? It's a little less malty and hoppy than Dale's, a little more lager-y. Dale's is a great pale ale and definitely not an IPA. Grand Teton is a good pale ale. Unfiltered, 60 IBU, 15.0 Plato, 6%ABV.

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