Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Widmer X-114 IPA.

The nice thing about having so many craft breweries in the region is that even chain groceries will have a decent selection. Widmer is available back home, but I never got into it as there wasn't much variety and I had other beers I wanted to try. Since I'm over here, I figured I should try it out. BA also says that this is retired, but I can find it in most stores.

Color is a lighter, more traditional toasted straw color for IPA. Palate is correspondingly fresh and lighter on the malts than a lot of IPAs I've been having. Nose is a thin, hard hop aroma. The hop taste is really good though. Initial impression is big and floral and juicy without being bitter, almost sweet, with a hint of apricot. A mild bitter comes in with the finish. A really nice sessionable beer that has a different showcase of hops than the typical IBU bombs.

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