Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bruton di Bruton.

A sale beer from WF. That last Italian beer I had was Peroni. That was in 2006 or 2007. It was that bad. This was on sale and had a more respectable look to it so I decided to give Italian beers another shot. This beer is refermented in the bottle and includes wheat on the grain bill. Heatshrink around the cap which is fitted over a fatter lip and makes a nice pop rather than a hiss.

I accidentally poured some of the yeast cake because I was thinking that the color was extremely pale and not foaming at all. I didn't get many impressions of it so the short version below is the long version, and I don't have much else to say about this one. It's supposed to be a Belgian pale ale, but they forgot the pale ale part. It reminds me a bit of Ephemere but much milder. Actually, I just took a big sip, and it reminds me of a nice, spicy witbier but not as spicy and maybe a little bitter. while I still don't trust Italian beers very much, this one is ok.

  • Appearance: Pour looked really pale but darker in the glass. Bit of a lager-y head which dissipates and leaves only a moss.
  • Smell: Grannysmith apples.
  • Taste: Super mild and nondescript. A touch of Belgian spice character, light hops, more on the floral side. A bit of apple juice from concentrate.
  • Mouthfeel: Low carbing, extremely smooth. Finishes with a bit of astringency.
  • Drinkability and Overall: Drinkability is good, though a bit strange. Overall, as a pale ale, it's not very prominent. I can see this being enjoyable from time to time though. So it's not terrible, not outstanding, but only mildly memorable.

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