Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rogue Ales Public House and Cherry Voodoo Tripel.

Took a stop by the Rogue Public House again after spending the day in SF by Fisherman's Wharf. The aquarium is SF in not as great as the one in Monterey which we went to/are going to a couple weeks later. (Starting drafts, filling them in much later and backposting is trippy. Hold onto your butts.) From left to right:

  • Red IPA: Red, scotch ale-y on the finish, mild hop throughout. Seems unbalanced or unsure of itself unless it's going for wishy-washy.
  • Younger's Special Bitter: smooth, milky bitter, balanced and bitter backbone. Finish evaporates. Sessionable with a hint of malty sweetness.
  • Creamery Anniversary: Cream porter, Hershey's chocolate, cocoa finish, slight raisin, lots of volume. NOTES FROM THE FUTURE: I bought a couple bottles of this from WF, not knowing what it or Rogue Creamery was, but now it makes sense. I had bought one, holding off until I knew what it was, and then bought another one. And now it turns out I've already had it so I'll probably just hold onto both bottles for later. Bottom line: I get these sweet, swing-top jugs.
  • Single Malt: low, tight carb, thin body. Hop bitter with an alcoholic finish and aftertaste. Palate is smooth and slightly sweet, very reserved.

I thought cherry tripel sounded interesting. I'm not really sure why, actually, because I'm not very fond of Three Philosophers which has too strong of an acetone likeness for me. But get this, I did, and it wasn't bad. It was a bit cherry cream soda-like. Definitely creamy. I remember the waitress coming around and asking what I thought and telling her I had expected something more tripel-y. Didn't really hit the tripel spot but was still enjoyable.

I also spent a few minutes to go to the liquor store around the corner where I was recommended to go after asking if they sold the Rogue Distillery spirits at the Public House. Turns out they had all (I assume all) the Rogue spirits: Spruce Gin, Pink Gin, Dead Guy Whiskey, and Hazelnut Rum. I've had the Spruce and while it was great, I wanted something new. The Pink is aged in pinot noir barrels. They were $45 apiece so I went with the whiskey and rum and the guy sold them to me for an even $90 at the end of the day. Not sure if I'll crack them open here or wait until I get back home. Depends on if I find better prices on them.

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