Friday, August 26, 2011

Anderson Valley Brewing Company Hop Ottin' IPA.

Picked up a couple new beers from WF tonight after a week of disappointing drinks. Anderson Valley is an ok brewery so far. Nothing super distinctive but not bad. Kinda bored with it. But good grief, it's worlds better than that Drake's Denogginizer. This at least tastes like an IPA.

  • Appearance: Clear, dark amber. Creamy head dissipates to moss. Decent lacing going on for a standard IPA.
  • Smell: Malty on the sweet side with a pleasant hop blend with some fruitiness.
  • Taste: Lots of malt sweetness and caramel tend to overpower the hop presence which is mostly citrus with bitter on the finish.
  • Mouthfeel: Typical for the style, but flattens out fairly quickly.
  • Drinkability and Overall: 7%ABV is too high for sessioning but to knock off a bomber, that's about right. I've had better for IPAs, but it'll work in a pinch. Nothing special.

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