Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ninkasi Tricerahops Double IPA.

Yet another BevMo bomber. Ninkasi sounded familiar for some reason, but I can't think of when I would have come across the name. Based out of Eugene, OR, Ninkasi is apparently the name of a Sumerian goddess. Not sure if she blessed this beer or not. While Tricerahops is a cute name, there's not much double about this. The pour seemed promising. I got a nice hop aroma from about a foot away. The head faded quickly into a moss. The first sip was underwhelming. Hop intensity was thin and tinny and only on the back end. Maltiness is pretty thin despite looking a little darker and thicker. The only saving grace is the 8.8%ABV. I don't normally rate any IPA poorly but this one is something else. Nothing sits quite right in this one.

  • Appearance: Slightly darker gold, rich creamy head that dissipates into moss. Looking a little viscous on the pour.
  • Smell: Nondescript hop aroma from a ways away, along with some kind of fruit.
  • Taste: What a disappointment. Not very malty, not very hoppy. More like a pale ale which is way off from a double IPA. Hops are thin and tinny, metallic tasting, really weird.
  • Mouthfeel: About on par with a Dale's Pale Ale. And for a double IPA, that's just not right.
  • Drinkability and Overall: Drinkability is average. At 8.8%ABV, it's no session beer. But there's no truly exceptional feature of it so it's not an experience either. This garnered an A- on BA so maybe I just got a bad/old bottle.

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