Thursday, November 22, 2012

Spinach and Sausage Casserole.

From Elise. I apparently just didn't take pictures for a while.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Uinta Crooked Line Tilted Smile Imperial Pilsner.

Here's another imperial pilsner. I wonder if this is going to be the next trendy style to have. The Gordon Biersch IPB is pretty good. I am also a fan of the Sam Adams Noble Pils. This one comes off as a little too malty and creamy, not enough clean, light hop flavor. Maybe it's a little old. I left in the fridge and forgot about it for at least a month and who knows how long it was sitting on a store shelf before that.

It's pretty easy-going for being a stiff 9%. Oh, the bottle is stamped with a bottled-on date of 5/22/12. So kinda old.

The label is nice, certainly drinkable, but not what I'm looking for in an imperial pilsner.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brewery de Ranke XX Bitter.

From a bottle trade, though I've since had it at WF tastings. It doesn't have a strong typical Belgian character with all the candi sugar and spices and such. It's much more of a plain golden with a notable pils hop character with some extra white wine astringency on the back.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Firestone Walker Wookey Jack.

Style tweaks are getting ridiculous. This is like two cousins having a baby. Is it a rye ale crossed with a black IPA or is it a rye IPA crossed with a black IPA? It's a pretty hoppy black IPA, regardless. Smells malty, tastes malty, feels malty. And the hops are muddy in a rich way. A little too much residue for my liking though and not terribly spicy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Anchor Christmas Ale.

Not going to lie, I'm not a big fan of Christmas ales or wee heavies or winter warmer usually. Not a fan of this one either. Too much fruitiness, cherry, prune, a little bit of dark chocolate, too sweet and tart instead of malty and smooth. No more words here.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yeah, so Blogger has basically neutered the functionality/semantics of "draft" to the point where it is not really usable for me. I start a draft when I drink something, but I don't upload a picture at that point because I do those in batches. But if I go back and edit a draft and try to publish or not even publish, just edit, the publish time gets set to current time. So, in order to preserve the ordering, I have to publish from the UI and then go back and edit to insert the picture, which preserves the original publish time. What a headache.

So there's going to be lot of posts without pictures for a while.

Devil's Canyon Bourbon-barrel Aged Scotch Ale.

A bottle from a trade. Most bourbon barrel-aged stuff tends to me stouts, so I was pleased to see something different here. Typical looking pour. First taste, my face: >:*

This thing is sour. At first I thought infected, which would be a bummer because this is a limited brew. But after reading some comments on BA, maybe this is just how it was intended. The nose is really pleasant: smoky vanilla and caramel. Which is also what you get in the center of your tongue, but everything around it is pretty tart. A quick swig without too much pontification will save you from most of the funk, but still, pretty weird.

Wow, I don't even have a scotch tag. That seems weird.