Sunday, May 27, 2012

Black Diamond Rampage Imperial IPA.

I never got around to trying any Black Diamond last summer so here we are. It's only ok. It's nice for an IPA but there's something a bit watery behind it. Meh. I wouldn't be interested in buying this again. 'Nuff said.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Doritos Flamas.

I love chips. If I see a new flavor, I have to try it. The great thing about snack food is that it varies from region to region, so no surprise that Doritos has flavors for the nontrivial demographics in California. Flamas is some sort of super spicy+lime concoction that stains things red. I love spicy things. I love lime, mostly with gin, but I still love lime. Needless to say, I totally dig these. They bring that extra heat that makes you clench your teeth when you inhale, as if the extra air pressure will somehow give you better convection action to soothe your tongue. But that's how you know it's good. (Reminder: I also saw a Doritos Tapatio. Must compare.)

While the staining make me feel slightly uncomfortable consuming these in any quantity, they are too good to stop at just one bag. I anticipate this to be a part of my regular chip rotation this summer. Likewise, there is also a Cheetos analog that I must try. (Aside: Ruffles is making a man chip with increased dimension and manlier flavors, drops in July.) Here is a much more amusing, though less favorable review. It also has a silly picture.

G. Schneider and Sohn Anventinus Wheat Doppelbock.

First beer review for this summer, but I'll keep it casual. I remember getting pretty burnt out last summer being as strict as I was with my beer purchasing. Granted, I did get through a whole lot of new beers, but this summer, that means I can take it pretty easy and revisit my favorites.

This bottle, however, is from a little gift from the GF to help me get settled in. I also used it as an excuse to pick up a new beer glass. It has a nice malty, dark fruit aroma, something like figs or dates. The actual flavor and body are less doppelbock-like and takes more after the wheat. It's also pretty carbed, not sure why that is. I also feel like there are some tannins because my mouth suddenly feels rather dry, but I also just ate a GD salad for a snack.