Saturday, August 4, 2012

Straffe Hendrik Bruges Quadrupel Ale.

From a bottle sale from earlier in the summer. I had a great tripel from Straffe Hendrik last summer so I was stoked to try some more stuff. This is pretty damn good. A bit of chocolate in the nose. Rich, decadent malts; molasses; dense fruit like raisin and prune, with a slightly tannic and hop bitter finish. A late toffee and coffee finish.

BA reviewers are funny sometimes. I read some that gave low marks because it was too boring, to textbook. To be fair, this is a solid quad. No, it's not amazingly unique. Yes, it's pricier than your average 22oz/750ml. What are you expecting? Be appreciated that they can nail the style, at least. That's my beef with the BA scoring, a one-dimensional number to compress a 5/6-dimensional tasting. If a beer nails the style but is nothing special, some people rate it low while others rate high. Sometimes, people like a beer because it's different and rate it high, even if it may not represent the style very well. What do?

Also, I'm not very consistent with the use of my "belgian" tag. Oh well.

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