Sunday, September 23, 2007

Italian Sausage Lasagna.

This ended up being a disastrous monster. It was supposed to be a hearty lasagna with veggies and Italian sausage but I ran out of space way too fast.

I started with two jars of GV spaghetti sauce (Green Pepper & Mushroom and Onion & Garlic) and a box of oven-ready lasagna. Layer sauce on bottom; add layer of lasagna; add sauce, add ricotta, add sauce, add layer, add sauce. At this point, I was already almost overflowing. There was no way I was going to fit everything in, so I nixed the squash. I put the not-very-well-crumbled Italian sausage and sliced baby Bella mushrooms on top and covered with mozzarella. Now it definitely was overflowing. And proceeded to happily boil over in the oven. It turned out reasonably well in the end though with the sausage lending a lot more flavor than ground beef would have.

The picture is actually from a microwave reheating the next day. The mozz didn't seem to want to re-melt and was a little dry; also, you can see I added a bit too much water to the mix. Seriously. It took longer to reheat it than it did to eat it.

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