Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I absolutely love Korean pancakes (my favorite being bindae-duk which I'll get to at some point). This is one of those Korean comfort foods for me.

It's also really straightforward which means I'll probably be making it a lot.

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup flour
produces enough batter for two-ish ~6" pancakes. Maybe for two people. Or one. I can eat a lot of pancakes. I'm guessing the "pa" in pajeon is referring to the green onions used. I prefer to use only the green parts, cut into pieces about an inch long, maybe two bunches for the amount of flour used above.

I cooked these in my super sweet cast-iron which basically outperforms any other pan I've ever owned or used. I will say that the cooking is a little slow and that in the time it takes to cook a second pancake, you should have been able to drain the first, cut it (into quarters or ~3x3" inch squares), and have it eaten by someone. That's basically the way it worked in my mom's house.

  1. Wait for pancake.
  2. (Pancake arrives on plate.) Try to eat pancake.
  3. Burn mouth.
  4. Walk off with pancake so no one else can get it.
  5. Burn fingers.
  6. Continue trying to eat pancake. When consumed, go to 1.

You can also add meat to this. I think with seafood, it's called haemul-pajeon. And the sauce that goes with this uses equal parts soy sauce and either rice vinegar or white vinegar and a bit of sugar, chili powder, and green onions to taste. If you use the rice vinegar, you may not want to add the sugar. And is the case with green onions and soy sauce, I like to use the whiter parts for that.

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