Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weyerbacher Fourteen Ale.

4-pack for $11, marked down from $16+ so I picked it up. This is Weyerbacher's anniversary ale, my first offering from Weyerbacher, a PA-based brewery. Being so close, it's been on my list of breweries to contemplate visiting once I ever got around to trying it.

Pours thick, no head, no lacing, some sediment. I got a big whiff of apple and banana, very sweet. Initial impression was of a barley wine (11.8%ABV), same weight but without so much backing body or sweetness. Finishes lighter on the palate than one would expect, fairly cleanly.

This is a hybrid wheat-barley wine, using 50%+ wheat malt, so the flavor profile makes sense. It's actually pretty close to it's intended parents. That being said, it's fairly passive. Worth a pint to try the hybrid, but it's not something I'd want to stock or pick up regularly.

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