Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kelpie Seaweed Ale.

Mostly opaque brown body, tan head. Salty sea, a bit metallic smell. The very short front end comes off as porter (which I would have assumed it was, had it been a blind serving), but very quickly bubbles away into a watery then slightly bitter taste. Kind of reminds me of munching on raw iceberg lettuce, the white parts down by the root. Towards the bottom of the pint, I started to get more thin coffee, in a brown ale kind of way.

It's an interesting beer, certainly, and worth trying. It's not bad. but I don't think I'd order in a bar any time soon. It kinda of reminded me of oyster stouts but somewhat less flavorful. Interestingly enough, this has a B rating from both the public and "the Bros" over at BA.

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