Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rogue Brutal Bitter.

No clue why BA says this is an American IPA. If it is, it's terrible. If it's a bitter, then it's pretty tasty. Brewed with Maris Otter, Cara Vienna, Cara Wheat and Crystal hops. Ever since I had that single malt Maris Otter at Blackstone, I've been on the search for single-malt or single-hop brews as well as Maris Otters-based beers. It's a potent grain.

Orange amber color, creamy head in check. Clean hop presence without punching you in the face, just saying hi. A bit of citrus, maybe orange. Well-balanced bitter, I say. Mouthfeel is smooth, a little milky, maybe a little too creamy to be a classic bitter and detracts from drinkability. But I got it on sale, and I think it's worth picking up. Needs more Maris Otter.

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