Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buttermilk Fried Chicken.

Saw this from Elise a long time ago, told myself I would try it when I bought a deep fryer. Always waffled on the deep fryer as I've heard that one you buy one, you get fat. I had bought some grapeseed oil a little while ago for deep frying though I don't really know what I was thinking at the time. In any case, I had a need for some BUTTermilk. Since I knew that I would have a lot left over, I planned on this.

I soaked overnight 2 nights in buttermilk, paprika, cayenne; had no fresh herbs. Tossed in flour, salt, pepper, more cayenne. Elise said 12-15 minutes per side, but I was using all drumsticks, not a fryer, and decided things looked done at 7-9 minutes per side. All in all, not bad for making do without a deep fryer or a thermometer. Could have used more salt, but I also read that brining before buttermilk does the job well. Maybe next time. Still want that deep fryer though.

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