Saturday, December 1, 2007

Breakfast Frittata.

I thought I had posted this before, but it seems I missed it.

This is one of the first uses my skillet got back when I bought it. I used three color peppers, onions, sliced red potatoes, and shredded Parmesan for this. Served with baguette, kiwi, bacon. I nixed the salt and pepper thinking the bacon would suffice and to accommodate, respectively. A lot of cholesterol, but still pretty damn good.

Arroz con Pollo.

This was absolutely devastating. Hybrid sauces.

This is probably one of the best things I've had in awhile. With some self-control, it should last me.

Those are corn tortillas, by the way. I go back and forth on whether I like corn or flour better. But corn is definitely the way to go on this one.


It's not very good.

Enchiladas, round 2.

If it looks disgusting, it probably tastes delicious. I have yet to try a Garbage Plate, a local specialty.

Minor alterations from last time but way better. I laid down a layer of enchilada sauce (El Pato) before putting anything in the pan. Same procedure as last time, but used taco beef for half, carnitas for the other half. Threw in a spot for refried beans.

It turned out marvelously. So one way of preparing enchiladas is to pan-heat and dip each tortilla in the sauce beforehand. This gives a pretty close effect, I think. I also sprinkled just the right amount of cheese inside of each enchilada. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.

They also make fanastic leftovers.

Full Moon.

A seasonal brew from Blue Moon (Coors, lulz). Not bad. But not that impressive either.

Actually. It tasted worse than Blue Moon.