Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New York Pasta.

Wow, it's been a long time since I cooked anything new and interesting. Apparently, all I do is drink. I figure it's the summer heat and nothing that I normally eat or want to eat sounds suitable for the weather. I came across this a while ago here. Chaya does some interesting things (like those potato muffin thingers).

A bagel with lox and cream cheese is one of the best things ever. If you can't have a stick-to-your-ribs country breakfast, this is probably the next best thing. A big, chewy bagel with a buttery crust, barely toasted; rich cream cheese (in this instance, one of the rare occasions I won't go out of my way to get a low-fat something); and buttery smooth, smoky, salty lox. Awesome.

It calls for 8oz of whipped cream cheese, but I only had a package of fat free and a package of regular cream cheese so I took half of each and tried to whip it myself a little. I also only used two eggs. The whole thing comes together pretty quickly and is pretty tasty. It was less salty than I imagined with the lox.

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