Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cape Ann Fisherman's Pumpkin Stout.

Mass Brewers' Summerfest was the first time I had seen a pumpkin stout, and now here is another one.

For having not drank anything in days, I was pretty amped for a beer. Then I took a ship and was disappointed. But then pleasantly surprised.

Up front, it tastes and feels like a less nitro'd Guinness, a little flat cola-ish. Maybe a hint of saltiness (psychosomatic effect?). Seemingly disappointing vegetable taste. But the finish melts into coffee, milk chocolate, and unspiced baked pumpkin.

Overall, it's a fairly bland beer but surprising and enjoyable. It's certainly drinkable though, after a few, I'm guessing the curious finish is going to matter less and less.

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