Sunday, April 17, 2011

Six Point Bengali Tiger IPA.

I got a whiff of the head when the growler was being filled, and it was damn fresh, grassy, floral, hoppy. Basically, a complete hop character. Pouring the next day, color is a dark golden straw. Modest, mixed consistency, coherent head. Nose is more resiny, but still pronounced and grassy. Taste is sweet malt with pervasive hop but never overpowering. Could use a touch more bitterness, but overall, incredibly balanced. If west coast IPAs tend to showcase hop bitterness, this is the east coast analog for floral. (Sorry, GI) Mouthfeel is exceptionally smooth with great carb. Finish is clean. An extremely drinkable IPA, flavorful, but not totally in your face. Immediately a top 10.

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