Sunday, October 16, 2011

High Water Brewing Hop Riot IPA.

After spending the last few months climbing in the gym, I finally went outdoor climbing. We got pretty destroyed, and I almost fell off a cliff in the worst way. I'm pretty sure I've definitely earned this beer maybe. Also, this is a beer that I got from Cool New Friend Who Buys Beer For WF, so that is pretty cool. For some reason, the label looks very familiar, and i don't know if it's because I just saw it a lot here or if I've actually seen it back home. Beer labels are kind of like beers in that way that there's ones you remember and ones you don't. For some reason, this label makes me think of amateur homebrew guy trying to get some sales and distro. I think it's the font. I guess I am just not that into so much serif.

The pour looks resin-y and produces a decent, lasting head so that's potentially a good start. The aroma is hoppy, more on the weedy side than floral or grassy, perhaps an effect of the dry-hopping, of which they don't specify the format. The undercurrent of malt keeps a fairly potent bitterness in check, and there's a noticeably nice balance there, something that's far too uncommon in IPAs. My only outstanding complaint would have to be the carbonation level and shape which is a little too fizzy, a little too diet soda-like. Otherwise, it's not bad. It's a fairly standard, no-real-complaints, IPA, which is perhaps it's greatest detraction, that there's nothing outstanding about it. At 7.3%ABV, it's unusually strong, but no real complaints there. Because it's so bitter, I'm not sure I would want to pair it against anything other than a very spicy Thai curry with coconut milk.

Also, what is the deal with such aggressively named beers? I don't want a riot in my mouth. People get beat up at riots. Why can't they make an IPA called Hop Symphony or Sock Hop or Hop Pants-off Dance-off? These possibilities are far more intriguing than riots, armageddon, or other such devastation.

  • Appearance: Slightly darker than typical, more of a copper tone. Clear. Moderate head that manages to persist.
  • Smell: Strong, bitter hop aroma. Noticeably not fresh but certainly not stale either. More on the weedy, resin-y side.
  • Taste: Solid bitter with a well-balancing malt. Somewhat one-dimensional, but not as obnoxious about it as, say, Hoptical Illusion.
  • Mouthfeel: Somewhat overcarbed, but otherwise of a pleasant, standard weight. Slightly resinous, leaving some stickiness, which denies it the ability to be crisp and clean.
  • Drinkability and Overall: 7.3%ABV, somewhat high for a standard IPA. It lacks the depth to stand too much scrutiny and the residue gets a little annoying. It's otherwise a simple drinker to be consumed while doing other things.

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