Speakeasy is a SF-local brewery. I had been putting off picking any up this summer since I figured I would get down there at some point. Since I'm packing up an leaving in a couple weeks, I'm doubtful I'll find myself there. And after having tasted this one, good time not wasted.
The head almost indicated something promising, but I couldn't get anything of the nose, which is really weird for an IPA. As it turns out, there's nothing to get out of the nose because there is nothing there. I have had lagers hoppier than this. This has got to be one of the wateriest IPAs I've ever had. And it's kind of flat to boot. This is my disappointed face: '_'
Hands down, one of the worst IPAs I've had. To be honest, I don't even want to finish this. There are IPAs that are terrible because they just totally fucked up going for something or because it was a bad bottle (I did get to try Denogginizer again; better bottle than the one I had.) but this is the worst because there's no effort. And that's basically as bad as Lex Luthor stealing forty cakes.
- Appearance: Too clear golden straw. Mossy head that is lacing a bit, but too little, too late.
- Smell: Virtually nothing. lolwut?
- Taste: Very mild hops that manage to not taste pellet-y and only slightly metallic on the finish.
- Mouthfeel: Soda going flat. There is not much hop or malt so the finish is pretty clean.
- Drinkability and Overall: Terrible. Do not buy. No redeeming qualities.
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