Monday, March 5, 2012

Pyramid Outburst Imperial IPA.

Guy at the shop had been recommending I try the Outburst since I've been downing the Empire IPA lately. It turns out it's the same price so I went for a fill this time. Typical pour, had a nice whiff of resiny hop aroma on opening. Outburst is a good name for this brew. Right up front is a punchy, hoppy, sweet resiny flavor, bright and bitter. It finishes a little bit dirty and harsh though. A few more sips to wreck your palate takes off most of the edge though. Initial impression: I like it. For the price, it's a great deal for an imperial IPA. It's not as assertive as some other imperials, but not everyone can be Unearthly or Ruination.

  • Appearance:
  • Smell:
  • Taste:
  • Mouthfeel:
  • Drinkability and Overall:

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