Monday, March 5, 2012

Six Point Righteous Rye Ale.

I liked the Bengali and I like rye ales so this was a natural option. Right off the bat, it is significantly more rye-biased than say GI Mild Winter. I wonder if rye ales are going to be the next trend as I also picked up a rye offering from Sierra Nevada and a imperial rye from Harpoon was on tap at the local shop. In any case, I have somewhat mixed feelings about this. I like rye. But something doesn't jive well with me here. It starts off a little punchy but then there's some weird caramel, soda-ish sweetness. It finishes awkwardly with a bit of a film. I think what bothers me the most is that it doesn't have the weight of cold-weather beer, instead opting for a fairly light and fizzy body.

  • Appearance: Maple syrup brown.
  • Smell: Spicy, slightly fruity.
  • Taste: Obviously rye, but there is some off-putting caramel sweetness.
  • Mouthfeel: A bit over-carbed and light-bodied.
  • Drinkability and Overall: It drinks fine and smoothly, if a bit too much carb bite. Could be construed as refreshing. Not sure if it's just me, but it didn't seem like everything came together properly with this one.

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