Monday, March 12, 2012

Sam Adams Third Voyage Double IPA.

I've been seeing these special brews from Sam Adams lately. They look pretty adventurous. I've been sitting on this one and another one lately and since I found a couple new ones the other day, I figured I should start working on one. Third Voyage is brewed with Cascades from UK, NZ and US so that's kind of cool. It's not as hooppy as I'd like for a double but maybe that's because it's mostly malty up front with the bitter showing up late. Not going to lie, there's some serious booziness going on.

Maybe it's because I'm sick, but I'm not really feeling this one. All somewhat unbalanced

  • Appearance: Clear, typical dark amber. Fairly creamy, frothy head. Curtains.
  • Smell: Rather fruity, tropical aroma, somewhat sugar-y.
  • Taste: Very malty up front with only a hop bitter arriving towards the finish which accents the alcohol heat unpleasantly.
  • Mouthfeel: Leaves more residue than I'd like, but otherwise typical.
  • Drinkability and Overall: It was a nice experience but not one I'd want to repeat again and again.

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