Friday, December 10, 2010

Sweetwater IPA.

A bit biscuit-y on the nose, mild hoppiness, some floral. Mild hop bitter on the tongue, assertive but not forward. A step up from pale ale but not too much. Light carbing, medium body, clean but maybe a bit watery finish. Less distinguished and aggressive than the Sam Adams Latitude 48, this is an easy way for sensitive drinkers to ease into the deep sea of IPA.

There is certainly a class of drinkers who worship heavy-hopped, high IBU IPAs, and I think they prevent more people from exploring the IPA style. Trying IPA after a life of American macros or even lagers can be startling for most. Giving a Stone Ruination (100+ IBU) to a Mich Ultra drinking is not a good introduction. And I think that's sad when a hop-head gives a heavy IPA to a light drinker and admonishes them when they can't handle the bitterness.

I like hops. That being said, I've had high-IBU beers that I haven't liked. They're like the bro-dawgs of IPAs. And there's more to hops and IPAs than IBUs. Just saying.

So this is not a West coast IPA, maybe not even an east coast IPA. It seems like a hoppy version of an English IPA. But it's mild enough that it can accompany a meal so that's an accomplishment.

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