Friday, December 24, 2010

Nut Brown Ale.

OG: Supposed to be 1.044. Mine read very low but I think my wort and chilled water were not mixed properly when I took the reading.

Initial tastings were pretty malty and sticky, heavy enough that I didn't want to drink too many pints in a night. I tapped my last draft bottle tonight and it's gotten much smoother. Very on par for a brown ale, though the nuttiness is nowhere near what I'm looking for. At tapping, I lost a lot of CO2, and the first pint couldn't even pour itself. After pressurizing, it came out with a fine, fluffy head.

Addendum 110415: I am about to polish off the last draft bottle of this soon. The extra months of conditioning really smoothed out and lightened up the body and had a sweeter, nuttier taste. Bottom line, this was pretty good but needs a couple months of conditioning to hit its prime.

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