Friday, October 1, 2010

Harpoon Leviathan Imperial IPA.

Dark, golden honey color. Fluffy head, died down into thin but dense head, heavy lacing. Smell was only mildly hoppy, floral leaning towards herbal, almost medicinal and astringent. Viscous but smooth and medium-bodied. Mouthfeel seems ok but leaves it feeling a little foamy.

I was expecting more hops in an imperial IPA, but for how mild it is, it covers pretty well for the 10%ABV. It's all light enough that, a few beers in, I might not be able to tell that it is an imperial so I guess you could chalk that up as a win for drinkability. It's not so heavy that it's a sipper and not so thin that you'd knock out pints too quickly but somewhere in the middle. Overall, it's pretty good. I'm not going to go out of my way to find it in the store, but I'd order at the bar if it's on tap.

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