Monday, October 11, 2010

Single Hop Best Bitter.

Brewing my first homebrew beer, a single hop (Fuggle) bitter kit from NB. Steeped some grain.

Wort. The Fuggle pellet hops had a great smell. If this batch turns out well, I might try to use this recipe as a vehicle to try more single-hop beers.

Fermenting. Had trouble bringing my fermenting temperature down so now it's sitting in a kettle of water where I rotate ice packs. Still measuring mid 70's and would like to bring down to high 60's.

Also, here is some champagne yeast starter. I was intending on trying to revive and multiply some dry champagne yeast I had had in my fridge since last year for a set of 4+1 (delayed start) experimental meads I'm planning. Champagne yeast apparently has low flocculation so we'll see how well this actually pans out. In any case, I have an extra pack of dry yeast so I'm covered, and this will just have been practice.

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