Monday, August 30, 2010

Shipyard Pumpkin Ale.

Light color, thin head, fades fast. Hard to get anything in the nose. Thin carbing, no lacing. The taste is pretty bleh. I can get the pumpkin. In fact, it's very pumpkin pie-ish. If it were a pumpkin creme pie. And it was fat free. It's like that. There's a touch of watery sweetness at the end with a clear nutmeg. But this does not bode well for my desire to try other Shipyard beers (interested in the Pugsley's).

Shipyard seems to be a B-average brewery. This particular one got a C (and an F from "the Bros") on BA. That's pretty harsh. The average for the style in general seems to be about a B-, so I guess take all those ratings with a grain of salt.

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