Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA.

Translucent with an opaque core, goblet edges glow when held up to the light. Nose is fresh, hoppy, strongly citrus, mostly orange. Taste is also citrus, creamy bitter rather than crisp. Long finish. Mouthfeel, a very ale-y IPA in terms of perceived volume but not heavily carbed. I'm not as nuts about the taste as I am about the smell.

I don't remember how much the bomber was, but I don't think I'd buy it regularly. I might buy an extra or two if I still see it at the store since the label says that it can be aged "in the hull of a seafaring vessel for a year or more", as IPAs were historically.

An aside: So this is classified as an English IPA by BA. I'm wondering if I should add labels to distinguish between American and English styles. The Americans tend to be dominated by the west coast hop-bombs which figures. GI falls under English.

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