Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Split Pea Soup.

Sourced from another new food blog. All pretty explanatory, but I fiddled with the meat. You're supposed to use ham hocks, but the source used Canadian bacon and bacon (wat.). I actually bought what I thought was a ham, which it was, but it was a picnic pork shoulder. That's apparently a pork shoulder with the skin still on. And I think already cooked. Pretty sure of that. Anyway, I had to boil this thing, I wish I had just used the ham broth instead of chicken broth (as source indicated), but I guess it was leaner this way. Garlic, onion, yeah.

I froze some and refrigerated the rest which congealed into a sweet green brick.

Shit's fucking awesome. Here's the thing about split pea soup. It's super easy, you can make it taste however you want, and it can be an accompaniment or a main course. I need to make more soups.

I also made some red mashed potatoes, but I mixed in some boiled cabbage which is also awesome.

Also, refried black beans are awesome.

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