Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bison Brewing Organic IPA.

I had been planning visiting Bison Brewing this weekend, but their website says they don't do tours or have anything open to the public really. So I made sure to pick up a Bison brew at the store. Bison Brewing is a USDA organic brewery. I was never big into the organic movement but having been eating some organic food somewhat regularly, I might be inclined to say I feel better; it certainly tastes better in many cases.

BIson's Organic IPA is brewed with four malts and three hops for a 6%ABV brew. I had one last night after finishing off that Telegraph Obscura Arborea. I thought it tasted great then, but I was a little boozy and was ready for a change of taste after finishing the whole 750mL myself. A proper pour and taste tonight, it still tastes pretty great. A good hoppy, strongly grassy nose. It's nice to find IPAs that do pay some attention to aroma and not just IBUs. Taste is solidly IPA, good bittering without being overpowering. It would work well with some spicy or sweet Asian cuisine like Thai curries. A little bit of astringency leaves a nice mouthfeel on the finish without being drying. Overall, it's a nicely balanced beer that can suit many occasions. It's a bit of a west coast analog of GI IPA, all the bases are covered without blowing out in any one dimension. I'd like to put it up next to a Stone IPA and see how that goes.

  • Appearance: Dark golden, orange tint. Head starts out looking nice but dissipates a bit quickly.
  • Smell: Awesome grassy, weedy hop aroma.
  • Taste: A little malty intro to the hop backbone. Consistent uniform hop presence, decent bittering with a mildly astringent finish.
  • Mouthfeel: Carbing is a nice level, expected weight and viscosity.
  • Drinkability and Overall: This is a nice IPA with enough presence to make it pleasant but without so much complexity to demand your full attention. Definitely good for a sit-back-and-have-a-few session.

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