Friday, July 22, 2011

Primo Island Lager.

I saw this in the cooler at the Chinese corner store that sells scratch lotto tickets and Asian nude magazines but has a nice selection of Chinese liquors and various Asian snacks. At first, I thought it was a Greek beer since the logo looked something like centurion or hoplite feather-crested helm (and it was blue and white). Upon closer inspection, the islands were not the Greek islands but were, in fact, the Hawaiian islands. The label also said, "With a hint of Hawaiian cane". Ok, cool, so it's from Hawaii. Ok, still doesn't really make sense. Maybe the feather guy is a Hawaiian tribe king. Later at home, another inspection indicated that the Primo Brewing and Malting (not a good sign) Co. is based in Hood, Oregon. Ok, so not Greek, not Hawaiian, Oregon. And "First brewed in 1897" which is kind of cool, and "Proceeds Help to Preserve the Environment and Culture of the Islands".

  • Appearance: Darker than a lager ought to be. Pretty crystal clear, lots of bubbles on the glass. Head faded entirely.
  • Smell: Doesn't really smell like anything. Maybe rice cake but that might be some environmental smells.
  • Taste: Noticeably sweet, almost cloying. Didn't temper as the beer went on. A taste on a different night, didn't notice hardly any sweetness, but that might be due to having eaten some strong food for dinner.
  • Mouthfeel: Feels like a lager. Meh.
  • Drinkability and Overall: Mildly more flavorful than a macro but not much better.

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