Thursday, July 21, 2011

Six Rivers Kona Moon Coffee Porter.

I added Six Rivers to my list of breweries to consider for a visit this summer, so I wanted to get a bottle to see if it would be worth my time or not. The Kona Moon Coffee Porter took gold at GABF 2005 in the coffee flavored beer category. It's a silly category to think about but the space is quite crowded these days so gold at one of the largest beerfests in the world is no small feat. I must say that I'm generally fairly cool towards porters as I'm more interested extreme and unique stouts like GI BBC, but I made an exception for this one, given the circumstances and context. I was at Whole Foods looking for my next beer to try. I had told myself that I would only get new, unavailable-back-home beers. Nothing interesting on sale. I had to whip out the phone and start BA'ing some breweries to see what was nearby, decently rated, worth trying, etc. Six Rivers in McKinleyville, decent reviews, within range for a visit. So I picked up this bomber along with two others that looked interesting at the time.

  • Appearance: Standard porter color, black, opaque. Held up to the light, coffee brown. Head is fine, about a finger.
  • Smell: Mild coffee notes, bark, slight chocolate. Very pleasant and aromatic.
  • Taste: Well-balanced coffee tones, good coffee too. Solidly coffee, not too many distracting flavors, with a agreeable astringency. Dirt and wood on the finish.
  • Mouthfeel: Solid porter body, weight, mouthfeel. A little too eager to release carb in the mouth though, leaves the tongue a little tingly.
  • Drinkability and Overall: In terms of flavor intensity to body and weight, this is an impressive beer. Finish is quite clean so it goes down easily. Despite being such a dark beer, it's very drinkable for its class. It's flavorful without being so complex that you have to think about it but worth noticing. 6%ABV.

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