Saturday, July 9, 2011

Stone Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout.

Black pour without being viscous, coffee head and aroma. Good-looking RIS. Rich coffee and oak tones with a little bit of heat in the nose. Up front, it has a good RIS taste and body. The licorice of the anise comes in the middle, a little bit of spice and barkiness and cola. Have a really hard time picking up the Belgian influence, maybe on the finish with a little bit of tang but I might just be looking for something to pin. Finish lingers, a little sticky on the lips but not much. At 10.5%ABV, the other flavors cover very well.

I had picked up two bottles of this since it was new to me and in case it turned out I like it and it sold out in the mean time. It is, indeed, a 2011 Odd Year Release. It is certainly more complex than their regular RIS. Excellent beer for a tasting session, will try to grab more.

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