Sunday, July 31, 2011

Deschutes Black Butte Porter.

Managed to pick up a single at WF the other day. By the way, I finally made it to a bonafide bottle shop today: BevMo. It's a chain, and they're around but they have a solid selection of craft brews despite being a wine and liquor store. While they don't have nearly the variety as BotW, they make up for it in quality and comprehensiveness in representing the regional breweries' lineups. I ended up getting 4 bottles of PSes (no Peltier Station), and 5 bombers, and learned the names of a few more breweries in the Bay Area. They also have a spread of glassware for all drinks so that's great. Might have to spring for some Reidel glasses finally. I took a quick look through the gin section as they were closing but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'll have to take a closer look next time and check out the whisky and bourbon.

I can't really remember the last time I went for a porter, but here it is. To be honest, I don't have a lot to say about it because it's not really in my preferred styles, as evidenced by me having to use 'stout' to tag this post. I simply don't buy enough porters to warrant a 'porter' label. Maybe one day, I'll go back and fix that. Anyway, it's good for what it is though.

  • Appearance: Very dark brown but not black. Creamy head with lacing.
  • Smell: Bits of coffee and cola.
  • Taste: A cold weak coffee, a bit stronger than a solid brown ale. A little burnt on the back end and finish. Kind of hollow, vacuous.
  • Mouthfeel: Open, light-medium to medium in both weight and viscosity, most noticeable on the first sip.
  • Drinkability and Overall: As a porter, I think it's pretty good. I would have liked a little more depth to its flavor, but maybe I'm expecting more intense beers these days. The flavor-weight ratio is good so it is drinkable.

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